Posted on 2/18/2020

Instead of twiddling your thumbs waiting to have your car serviced, you can spend your time adventuring around Schiller Park. The area has no shortage of recreational facilities, parks, restaurants and other accommodations for you to enjoy. While Burdi Motorworks technicians maintain and repair your vehicle, we encourage you to explore the greater Chicago area. Schiller Park, in particular, is a beautiful place to spend your time, whether you’re looking to relax, be active or sit down for a meal. We’ve created a brief list of what you can do while waiting for your car. *None of the links in this post are paid for (affiliate links). The businesses listed in this article are based upon businesses with online reviews of 4.5 stars or more and proximity to our auto shop in Schiller Park, IL. What to Do in Schiller Park, Illinois After dropping your car at Burdi Motorworks, our technicians will get to work on making appropriate repairs. Depending on how long o ... read more
Posted on 1/14/2020
When you purchase a car, the dealer will insist you rely on their services until the end of time. However, you have additional options aside from taking your Mercedes to its original dealership. More economical and personalized services offer the same solutions and repairs — and if you're lucky, you'll find a shop that provides the best of both worlds through authorized certification and a local presence. As an independent Mercedes repair facility, Burdi Motors wants to help you consider all your options when you're faced with mechanical issues, leaks and breakdowns. We will take you through the various repair company choices, as well as the benefits of partnering with a local service. Ready to learn more about your service options for your Mercedes vehicle? Do I Have to Take My Mercedes to a Dealership for Services? After you've purchased your first Mercedes, you may be wondering if you have to service your Mercedes at the ... read more
Posted on 6/11/2019
When your car begins to make odd sounds or you can tell something is wrong, it can be tricky to narrow down the culprit. Is there a problem inside the engine? Is it a simple matter of low oil? Is it time for a tune-up? There can be a variety of causes for car trouble, but we developed a guide to help you investigate a timing chain problem. At Burdi Motorworks, we have the experience and knowledge to determine if your Mercedes-Benz has a bad timing chain, taking the guesswork out of the equation. Call our mercedes repair shop near Chicago, IL for an estimate. What Is a Timing Chain? A timing chain is an integral component of an engine, and without it, your Mercedes would be useless. In general, it comes down to the mechanics of engine timing. Most cars have a four-stroke motor with a combustion process that includes an intake, exhaust, compression, and power stroke system. Within the four-stroke arrangement, the cam ... read more
Posted on 6/26/2018
For the DIY car enthusiast, battery replacement on a Mercedes-Benz is a fairly easy task to master. All you need is a replacement battery and a few basic tools. Beyond that, you need to locate where the battery is in the vehicle and know how to disconnect it to make way for the new one. Moreover, you need to know when it is time to make a replacement and the type of battery most suited for the vehicle. Read on to learn how to replace a battery in a Mercedes-Benz. Signs a Mercedes Battery Needs Replacement The most common sign a Mercedes-Benz is due for a battery replacement is when the vehicle is difficult to start each day. If it takes several seconds just to get the motor to power on after you turn the key, the battery is probably running out of life. If the engine sputters for several seconds as you turn the key, or the engine fails to start until the second or third try, the battery is probably hanging by its last thread. Alte ... read more
Posted on 6/10/2018
In a Mercedes-Benz, there are various components that make the engine operate. As you drive the vehicle along roads and highways and shift it up from first to fifth gear, the engine parts must communicate with one another. The question that is rarely answered, however, concerns how these various engine parts stay in motion while the vehicle is running. The fact is, there is one simple piece of rubber that connects these parts — and it is essential in a Mercedes. The part in question is the serpentine belt. What Is a Serpentine Belt? In a Mercedes-Benz, the serpentine belt is the engine part that connects various components in the engine sink. The belt itself is basically a long loop of rubber that provides tension between the air conditioner, the alternator, the power steering and the water pump, all of which are vital to the functionality of the vehicle. A serpentine belt is smooth on one side and grooved on the other. As a tensioning belt, it is hooked arou ... read more